Actually, As a child, I didn't know anything about the 1st and 2nd Palestinian intifada, But after I had read alot about them, And discovering the 1st and the 2nd one, Am joining the third, I know that Palestine will be REALEASED in case I attended or not, That's because god says "Quran" :-
"وقطعناهم في الأرض أمما"الأعراف168
So, Its a certain thing, AMR WAKKE3, Also god says :-
"وقضينا إلى بني اسرائيل في الكتاب لتفسدن في الأرض مرتين ولتعلن علوا كبيرا*فإذا جاء وعد أولاهما بعثنا عليكم عبادا لنا أولي بأس شديد فجاسوا خلال الديار وكان وعدا مفعولا*ثم رددنا لكم الكرة عليهم وأمددناكم بأموال وبنين وجعلناكم أكثر نفيرا*إن أحسنتم أحسنتم لأنفسكم وإن أسأتم فلها فإذا جاء وعد الآخرة ليسوؤوا وجهكم وليدخلوا المسجد كما دخلوه أول مرة وليتبروا ما علوا تتبيرا"الإسراء(4-7)
That means that there's 2 times #israel will be fucked up in, 1st one is going to be this one ISA (As Dr.Tarek Swedan says" , And they'll beat us again, Then We'll beat them again and it's going to be "Qeyama" day !
Somesays that's the first time was when Umar Bn Al Khattab entered Al Quds, But When he entered there were no Jewish, They were Christians only, And god says that we will beat the JEWISH at the 1st and 2nd time, Not the #Copts, And finally I got the links of 3rd Intifada :)
Stay tuned on May, 15 , Search on FB for Intifada in ENG and Arabic
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